Kung ako na lang sana charise chords
Kung ako na lang sana charise chords

kung ako na lang sana charise chords

In our point of our livez we shld be so L U CKY 2hav sum1 whoLL N we also neva thght d person we l0ved d m0st cld b d onewho will hurts us d m o s t… we truly neva know wht we’ve g0t til itz gone… Oh well, 2bad )…plaging nsa huli tlga and pagsisisi… Mybe sooner or l8r… (betcha, im sure they will) theyll probably soon realized wht thyve lost N found …ull neva know…d person bsyd u ryt now myt b d onewho cn spend d rest of High resolution reading glasses…coz tht myt help prhpz… lolz Newy…dnt worry therez sum1 out thre who’LL b d one2 e a s e

kung ako na lang sana charise chords

Mnsan, dindaan nlng nten sa pglalaseng toh w/our fellow brkadaz or get out of town N do sumthn as a relief 2urslf 4awhle…i blve thtz how it goez…

kung ako na lang sana charise chords

Hw bout nmn sa mga taong hurt or bigo? w/o absolutely no idea why thyve been hurt…N mybe still figurin out whtz d reason of their breakup… Or scared 2 losetheir pridechiken shitz for both partiez. Gonna do sumthn bout it or not, kc u myt be wonderin mybe hez/shez happy wid sum1 elze’ armz na… Mnsan nmn tipong two tymerk, d mo m-choose one over d otha… mahalmo nga sha pero may quaLitiez nmn yng isa na ok at mssbe mong ngkksundo kyo in anyway…itz very hard 2choose dba?īeing S E L F I S H !ohh well, uve gotta choose jz onepersonN, learn 2accept d fct tht 3 is alwyz a CROWD and tpos meron nmn yng situation n, mnsan bgla mo sha maalala.ya knoe…yer ex… reminiscn ol da gud tymz uve shared 2getha…somehow u misshim/her ryt? but then.sumhow threz e m p ti n e s sinsyd of u n d mo mppgilan, itz d matter of giving, dont assume tht ull receive mch more of wht u xpect, N sumtymz nman u felt that uve given all uve got 2 give N stiLL it is nt enuf? stiLL it d0esnt work ryt? Itz also really hard2break sum1′z heartw/o wnting to.mnsan d mo nmn sha intend n sktan u hav 2do it ryt then coz itz mch more painful if u ddnt do it ryt awy…tpos sa huli.ikw p yng masisisi at pustahan…ssbhin p nla sayo… …sumtymz we cantblme ourslves for endng a reltnshp, mybe sa syd ng mga nsktan MaSaMaka at MaDALipra sayo un at ngppksaya kpa… i D o N ‘t think so… Itz really hard 2trust sum1 again once uve lost it…i gez it takez tym…Įh pno nmn yng sa situation n gs2 mo mkpg-break? but threz sumthn keepz u holdin bck, yng tipong nttkot kng msktan sha or msktan mo srili mo N regret it l8r tht u did it? > i jz have 2say we can do c R a Z y shitz 4d 1 we luv, xcept 2gve all of our t R U S t again…

kung ako na lang sana charise chords

Shempre u cnt help 2 thiink that he/she myt d0 dz 2u a g a i n, aftr uv gven him/her a chnce? N now, telln u dz promisestht uve heard a million tymz b4…īut then…what IF he/she broke dz promises in dz 2nd tym arnd? Meron nmn yng situation na, tipong threz sum1 in ur lyf N u cld say n hez/shez ‘d one’at mssbe mo rn n mahal na mahal mo sha… but then, uve lost ur t r u s t on him/her…yng tipong binigay mo n lhat ng t r u s t mo nung una, tpos nwla lhat kc nlman mong hez/shez cheatin on ya? dba mskit?! S O B R A !!! “If you love someone, say it…u say it right then…out LOUD or the moment just…passes you by…”

#Kung ako na lang sana charise chords movie#

Mnsan, n-fe-feel nyo pa yng tipong may mahalk, pero mern nmn syng iba, or u fell 4ur f riend but ur too afraid 2let it show coz ur fearing of r e j e c t i o n? dialogue d movie My Best Friend’s Wedding which Rupert Everett said… Sumtymz wre confused kng mkknig tyo sa tkbo ng utak nten or frm d feelingz we hve in our heart they say tht LOVE CONQUERS ALL…. Hav ya eva felt tht uve been so g a g aover sum1 N yet we call it c R a Z y…īut we neva thght how stupid we bc0me until we felt tht we’ve been hurt ?!Īnd how cum aftr ol d shtz uve been thrgh 2sum1, hurtu lyk no one elz did, stillu say… Lo V e L o V e L o V e F A I L U R E S … wHy!?!īkit kya dumdtng sa point ng isang tao yng nag-d-dlwang icp ka? afraid tht u might pick d wrong decision N regretit 4d rest of life!?

Kung ako na lang sana charise chords